The last few days I have been laying low, partly because I have a hurt foot (damnit!) and partly because without a proper guide this city is practically impossible for me to traverse. Take a labyrinth, then put it on steroids, add more street vendors than you can shake a stick at, and throw in a couple pick pockets: that's how I'm feeling about this city. So although there is a super comprehensive subway system, I am still vary weary to embark on my own adventures. Tim and I are solidifying plans to get an apartment in "Condeza" (think Greenwich village NYC), which would put me in a safer area, closer to things that interest me. By the way, there are something like 16 different districts and hundreds of "colonias/zonas" or neighborhoods. We are moving to the hip/queer area. And once I have my own launch pad, I can get to know the area a little better. This should all fall into place in the beginning of February. Some stability and maybe a job will allow me to better enjoy Mexico.
To tell the truth, not having my own digs, but being stuck in the poorest most industrial area of a city(they say is extremely dangerous), has had me contemplating buying a one way ticket to Peru, or Hawaii. Tim assured me that more exposure to different parts of the city will make me feel better. He was right. Last night we went to "La Zona Rosa" which directly translates into "The Pink Zone". It's the queer neighborhood, and there are gay boys everywhere. For those who are unfamiliar, Mexico City just passed a law making same sex marriage legal, so there is no shortage of gay couples on the streets. We went out to have "sibling time" and plan our next few weeks, since Tim is working all day during the week and I have to figure out how I want to spend my time. We wandered around looking for this elusive Korean bakery, but didn't succeed in our mission, so we landed at a cantina drinking micheladas (beer with lime and salt) and eating greasy bar food (which gave me my first rumble in the gut). We then called it an early night because the -super comprehensive- subway closes at 12 and it's not advisable to be out walking the streets past then (this city is making it hard for me to warm up to it).
Today we went in search for an internet cafe, and landed at a place called "Conejo Blanco" or "White Rabbit" in Condeza. In fact, this is where I am as I type. Tim had internet work to do, and I thought I would come along to check out our soon to be neighborhood. I must say this place is fantastic. We got 4 courses and wine for less than $10 USD. I am happy, full, and I even took a picture of our main course! (see below) It's more swanky than I can afford on a daily basis, but after a week of 50 cent tacos, I think I can splurge. I haven't had food this good since LA or NY or SF (sorry Santa Cruz, but your cuisine is lacking a certain je ne se quoi)
So maybe this week I will make it to some museums, maybe the zoo.
Below I have posted pictures of our delicious meal at the White Rabbit: Steak "Arrachera" and Pizza with goat cheese and fig wrapped in prosciutto. Also are some photos of us enjoying our micheladas at a divey cantina.

ugh rumbly stummy... me too, it's still rumbly as I read your post... I guess this is how we learn which places to avoid, right?